NDL India

NDL India
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Monday to Friday (10:00 AM - 06:00 PM)
National Digital Library of India Project Central Library (ISO-9001:2015 Certified)Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur
View Ration Card Details
This service can be availed to view the ration card particulars like Name of Head of Family, List of Family Members, Card category, Address etc.
Visits (30 Days): 3.21 k
Track Application Status
The Applicant who is availing online Ration cards related services can check the status of the application by providing the Acknowledgment Number and Mobile Number.
Visits (30 Days): 563
Check ONORC Status
The Migrant worker can check the eligibility status of DBT in Puducherry UT using this service. This option will help to know their current status whether the beneficiary is checked out from the home state and available in new State.
Check Payment Status
The Beneficiary can check the monthly payments made through Central - Direct Benefit Transfer under National Food Security Act scheme or State DBT as and when the data is available along with payment status.
Visits (30 Days): 659
Mobile Number Updation
The Head of Family or beneficiary member of the family can update their mobile number with their ration card of the family. If the mobile number is not updated for the family, this option can be used for the Mobile Number updation.
Visits (30 Days): 5.85 k
Change of Female Member as Head
NFSA beneficiary can use the option to change the Female member as the beneficiary of the family for availing DBT Scheme. The female member will be updated only on the availability of PFMS ID.
Visits (30 Days): 709
Update Bank Details
Beneficiaries can update their Bank details for seeding with ration card number. In case if the Bank account number is closed / frozen or if the beneficiary wants to change the Bank account number then this service can be availed to change the Bank Account Number.
Visits (30 Days): 5.96 k
Change of Benificiary for DBT
The Head of Family or beneficiary member of the family can request to update the Change of beneficiary to be updated for DBT to receive the amount through linked PFMS ID.
Visits (30 Days): 1.90 k
Download e-Certificate of Surrender
The beneficiary of surrendered ration card can download the e-signed certificate by providing the Acknowledgement Number.
Visits (30 Days): 287
Download Certificate
The beneficiary can download the e-signed Ration Card by entering Acknowledgement Number or Ration Card number.
Visits (30 Days): 684