Bharat Gas

Bharat Gas

Bharatgas consumers can book LPG, pay online & request DBC.

  • Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)

Contact Us

Working Hours:

Monday to Friday (09:00 AM - 06:00 PM)


Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.| Bharat Bhawan1, 4 and 6 Currimbuhoy Road, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400001


  • Bharat Gas-Apply for job Posting

    Apply for job Posting

    This service helps applicant to view all the vacancy advertisement under NRSC.

    Visits (30 Days): 1.70 k

  • Bharat Gas-Retrieve Registration No.

    Retrieve Registration No.

    This service helps applicant to retrieve the Registered Registration Number (in case they forgot the registration number). Applicant can achieve so by entering email id and DOB. Email with registration number will be shared to the registered email id.

    Visits (30 Days): 310

  • Bharat Gas-Track Application Status

    Track Application Status

    This service facilitates applicant in tracking the status of the submitted application.Current status of the application will be displayed based on the registrations number entered by applicant.

    Visits (30 Days): 217

  • Bharat Gas-Download Application

    Download Application

    This service will facilitate applicant to download the submitted application. For downloading the same, applicant need to enter Registration number. Based on the registration number entered the submitted application form will be downloaded.

    Visits (30 Days): 301